p. 'byug or byugs/
Biblical: to apply or put on: 1) to apply oil or ointment for physical or ritual purposes: khong gis nga la snum gyis byugs mdzad do/ he has anointed me with oil (Lk. 4:18); 2) to be selected for a special position: gtso bo'i byugs pa/ the Lord's anointed One (Ac. 4:26); 3) to receive spiritual gift(s) from God: dkon mchog gis dam pa'i thugs nyid dang mthu yis byugs te/ God anointed [Jesus] with the Holy Spirit and with power (Ac. 10:38); 4) to put oil or spices on a body in preparation for burial: spur la 'byug pa'i phyir/ in order to anoint the body (Mk. 16:1).
Secular: byug pa/ 1) used of applying paint to a wall (AMD); 2) used of washing down an animal: rta las babs te de la byams brtse chen pos byug byug mdzad pa/ getting off his [sweating] horse, he wiped it down with great compassion (SGN 3).
p. bskos/ , f. bsko/ imp. skos/
Biblical: to select or appoint: 1) to appoint someone to or select someone for an honored position: thugs nyid dam pas khyed tsho bskos pas/ you have an anointing from the Holy One (1 Jn. 2:20), gtso bo dkon mchog gis 'dems bskos mdzad pa'i rgyal po/ the king that the Lord anointed (2 Sam. 1:14 NTV); 2) to receive spiritual gift(s) from God: khyed bskos pa'i gnang sbyin de khyed nang gnas pas/ the anointing you received from him remains in you (1 Jn. 2:27).
Buddhist: to appoint: mi gsar du bla ma zhig bskos pa/ to appoint a new person as a lama (KTM), lo gcig nang tik ka skyor dpon zer ba'i dge bshes gnyis ched mangs kyis gsang 'dus tik ka'i skyor dpon dub skos/ within a single year two Geshes called the lead tika reciters are especially selected as reciters of the Guhyasamaja tika (TRC 49).