[hon. thugs khro/ ]
Biblical: wrath, passion, outwardly expressed indignation: 1) human anger: mi'i khro ba/ man's anger (Jas. 1:20), rgyal po'i khro ba/ the king's anger (Heb. 11:27); 2) used of Jesus' anger: thams cad la khro bas gzigs te/ looking at all of them in anger (Mk. 3:5); 3) God's wrath: dkon mchog gi thugs khro'i 'chag gzhong / the winepress of God's wrath (Rev. 14:19), gtso bo dkon mchog u dza dang thugs dgongs khros te/ the Lord's anger burned against Uzzah (2 Sam. 6:7 NTV).
Buddhist: khro ba/ anger, is the mental state of wanting to harm an object (JPG 317). It is one of the 20 secondary afflictions (KBT 23) and one of the greatest of all sins (MTB 167). Bst. protector deities are often depicted as having wrathful expressions, e.g. khro ba chen po gshin rje/ the wrathful Shinje, god of the dead.
Cognates: 1) khong khro/ anger as one of the six root afflictions; described as the will to harm sentient beings, whether present or not (KBT 18). Some gods have khro ba/ expressions in thankas, and good characters can have khro ba/ (AMD). zhe sdang gis gsod pa ni/,,gsod yag de la khong khro langs nas gsod pa lta bu/ to kill on account of hatred is, say, to kill the victim on account of the arising of anger (TRC 243), gal srid nga tsho khong khro'i gzhan dbang du song na/ if our minds are dominated by anger (DLP 23); 2) khro gnyer ma/ "scowling old woman"; commonly applied to female deities of fierce aspect (TRC 271); 3) khro bo bcu gcig the eleven wrathful deities (CNG 151); 4) khro blo/ the angry mind (HTE 194).
Proverbs: 1) 'dzom re khong khro slong dus ma dran na/,,rjes su dran na rang gi kha la rgyob/ If you don't remember your anger at times, but recall it later, slap your own mouth (KPU 14); 2) khong khro dbang du 'dus na mkhas pa'i rtags/,,khong khro'i rjes la 'gro mi glen pa red/ if you've subdued your anger, it's a sign of your education; one who follows his anger is a fool (KPU 14).
Biblical: anger [used chiefly in spoken language] tshig pa mi za/ [love is] not easily angered (1 Cor. 13:5 SV).