Biblical: suffering: sdug bsngal chen po byung ste/ bringing great suffering (Acts 7:11), ma shi ka'i sdug bsngal/ the sufferings of Christ (2 Cor. 1:5). In the Bib. view, suffering, though evil in itself, has redeeming features: sdug bsngal las bzod sems/ suffering [produces] endurance (Rom. 5:3,4), sdug bsngal gyis phun sum tshogs par mdzad pa/ made perfect through suffering (Heb. 2:10). Suffering will be abolished in the new creation (Rev. 21:4).
Buddhist: In Bsm. suffering is an unmitigated evil produced by the three root afflictions of desire 'dod chags/ hatred zhe sdang / and ignorance gti mug . Suffering includes virtually all of human experience; even worldly pleasure is considered to be suffering because it soon passes away. The eight archetypal sufferings of man or sdug bsngal brgyad/ are listed as: skye ba/ birth, rga ba/ old age, na ba/ sickness, 'chi ba/ death, sdug pa dang bral ba/ separation from loved ones, mi sdug pa dang phrad pa/ meeting what one does not want, 'dod pa thug tu ma bab pa/ not getting what one wants, nye bar len pa/ taking up the 5 skandhas, i.e. rebirth (DMP 241). Deliverance from suffering sdug bsngal thams cas las thar/ comes from taking refuge skyabs su 'gro ba/ in the three jewels dkon mchog gsum/ .
p. myangs/ f. myang / imp. myongs/
Biblical: to suffer, to experience suffering: mkhan po rnams las sdug bsngal mang po myong ba/ suffer many things at the hands of the teachers of the law (Mt. 16:21), am chi mang po bstan kyang sdug bsngal mang po myang / suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors (Mk. 5:26), khong gi phyir du sdug bsngal myang ba/ to suffer for him (Phil. 1:29).
Buddhist: to suffer: rang gcig pu gnas gcig tu sdug bsngal myong dgos pa/ he must experience the misery alone in a solitary place (TRC 272), na ba dang /,,rga ba'i sdug bsngal myong skabs/ when [we] experience the sufferings of sickness and old age (DLP 15), rgya mi'i bstan gnon 'og du sdug bsngal myong / suffering under Chinese oppression (RRT 282, n. 17).
Biblical: to suffer torment, be tortured: mi'i bu'ang de rnams kyi lag nas mnar 'ong / the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands (Mt. 17:12), mi 'chi ba'i me'i chad pas mnar ba/ suffer the punishment of eternal fire (Jude 7).
Buddhist: nga rang tsho nad kyi mnar ba na/ when we are suffering from an illness (TRC 257); sdug bsngal gyis mnar ba/ the misery of suffering (TRC 342).
Cognates: 1) mnar med/ the hottest and most terrible of the eight hot hells (TRC 229); 2) mnar gcod gtong ba/ to torture (DLP 9); mnar sems/ a grudge, ill will (TRI 156).