p. btang / f. gtang / imp. thong /
Biblical: to send: khyed kyi sngon du nga yi pho nya gtong / I will send my messenger ahead of you (Mt. 11:10), ti mo the'u khyed tsho'i rtsar btang ba yin/ I sent Timothy to you (1 Cor. 4:17), myur du log gtang 'ong / [he will] send it back shortly (Mk. 11:3), ngas lung ston pa dang sku tshab de rnams kyi rtsar gtang / I will send them prophets and apostles (Lk. 11:49).
p. mngags/ f. mngag imp. mngogs/
Biblical: to send for a purpose; to commission, delegate: khong gis nyid kyi pho nya mngags/ he will send his angels [to gather the elect] (Mt. 24:31), dkon mchog gis nyid kyi sras 'jig rten gyi zhal che gcad du ma mngags kyis/,,'jig rten gyi skyabs mdzad du mngags so/ God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world (Jn. 3:17), yab kyis nga mngags pa ltar/,,ngas kyang khyed mngag go as the Father has sent me, I am sending you (Jn. 20:21), ma shi kas nga khrus gsol du ma mngags/ Christ did not send me to baptize (1 Cor. 1:17).
Buddhist: gang la mkhas pa'i mi de las la mngags/ whoever is an expert, entrust the work to him (KPU 11), rgyal srid spyi khyab khang gis rigs gcig mkhas pa'i tsho chung mngags/ an expert group sent by the State Council (MHP 8).
Cognates: 1) ched mngag especially, purposely: na ning zhang kang nas ched mngag tu khyi nyo mkhan yong / last year, dog-buyers came especially from Hong Kong (SLR 14); 2) sngon mngags/ subscriptions.
p. brdzangs/ f. brdzang / imp. rdzongs/
Biblical: to send off, dispatch on an errand: ngas khyod ring por phyi pa rnams kyi rtsar rdzong bar bya/ I will send you far away to the Gentiles (Acts 22:21), ngas khyod mi ser yul du rdzong bar bya'o/ I will send you back to Egypt (Acts 7:34), btson pa zhig la bkal pa'i nyes skyon rnams ma bshad par rdzong ba ni mi rigs par sems/ I think it is unreasonable to send on a prisoner without specifying the charges against him (Acts 25:27).
Secular: rdzong ba/ to take or send someone somewhere (e.g. to take or give a daughter to another family in marriage or to send someone off at the train station, etc. (AMD).
p., f. bskur/ imp. skur/
Biblical: bestow, give, send: rgan mi rnams la bskur to/ sending [their gift] to the elders (Acts 11:30), chos tshogs bdun po la skur zhig send it to the seven churches (Rev. 1:11), phan tshun lag rtags skur bar 'gyur ro/ will send each other gifts (Rev. 11:10).
Secular: gser mang po bskur nas/ [he] sent much gold (TRC 153), rgyal spyi'i sbrag thog skur bya/ international mail.
p. bton/ f. gdon/ imp. thon/
Biblical: send; send out: nga ltar lung ston pa zhig 'don par 'gyur/ God will send you a prophet like me (Acts 7:37), khyed rnams ba bel mtha' ru 'don par bya'o/ I will send you into exile beyond Babylon (Acts 7:43).
p. bskyel/
Biblical: to send or dispatch: zhi bde bar lam skyel byos shig send [him] on his way in peace (1 Cor. 16:11 SV); yang khyed kyis ji ltar dkon mchog gi spyan sngar rung ba de ltar skyel thung byed de legs par bya'o/ you will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God (3 Jn. 6 SV).