Biblical: 1) prophecy: gsang ba 'am/,,shes rab bam/,,lung bstan nam/ revelation or knowledge or prophecy (1 Cor. 14:6), lung bstan gang yang mi'i bsam pa las ma byung bar/ no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation (2 Pet. 1:20,21); 2) prophetic writings of the OT: bka' khrims dang lung bstan/ the Law and the Prophets (Mt. 7:12), bka' khrims dang /,,lung bstan dang /,,gsung mgur rnams/ the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms (Lk. 24:44), lung bstan gyi mdo/ the book of the prophets (Acts 7:42).
Buddhist: lung bstan/ implies mere foreknowledge of events, without revelation or proclamation as in the Biblical model. See prophesy.
p. bshad/ [lit. religion + explain]
Biblical: prophecy: chos bshad ni mi dad med kyi phyir min par dad pa can gyi phyir yin no/ prophecy, however, is for believers, not for unbelievers (1 Cor. 14:22).
Buddhist: to spread or explain religion (AMD).
[lit. manifest knowledge]
Biblical: the gift of foreknowledge: kho la mngon shes dang ldan pa'i bu mo na chung ma/ unmarried daughters who had the gift of foreknowledge (Acts 21:9).
Buddhist: mngon shes/ is a type of supernatural perception or clairvoyant knowledge. It is divided into six types: seeing the sufferings of all beings; understanding all languages; knowledge of another's thoughts; knowledge of past and future rebirths; remembering past lives; and knowledge of how to become enlightened (CNG 81).