Biblical: religious peace, inner peace, peace with God: zhi bde'i phrin bzang / the good news of peace (Acts 10:36), thugs nyid kyi 'bras bu ni/,,zhi bde/ the fruit of the Spirit is . . . peace (Gal. 5:22), zhi bde bar song / go in peace (Mk. 5:34), thugs rje dang zhi bde 'bab par shog cig grace and peace to you (Rom. 1:7).
Buddhist: 1) personal well being, contentedness (KTM): zhi bde dang /,,bde skyid/,,srung skyob/ peace, comfort, and security (DLP 8), nga gzugs la nad med pa dang /,,sems la zhi bde thob bo/ I was healed in my body and had mental peace (DPD), rang nyid gcig pu zhi bde'i bsam blo spangs nas rang las gzhan shin tu gces par byas/ forsakes the peace and happiness of himself alone and makes others much dearer than himself (TRC 218); 2) peace among nations, world peace: snying rje ni 'dzam gling zhi bde'i ka ba yin/ compassion is the pillar of world peace (DLP 4); 3) gzhis rtse'i zhi bde 'bab thang / Shigatse's Peace Airport (MHP 9).
Biblical: peace with others, unity, harmony, agreement: phan tshun mthun nas sdod/ be at peace with each other (Mk. 9:50), mthun pa'i lam/ the way of peace (Rom. 3:17), thugs nyid las byung ba'i mthun pa/ the unity of the Spirit (Eph. 4:3), mthun sems can/ peace-loving (Jas. 3:17).
Buddhist: in agreement, friendly, agreeable: mthun pa'i grogs bzang po/ a good and agreeable companion (TRC 198), mthun phyogs yul khag rnams/ friendly countries (RRT 282 n. 17), mi mthun pa/ unfriendly persons (TRC 244), tshan rig dang mthun pa'i bdag gnyer/ scientific management [lit. science + agree] (TMB 25).