Biblical: path, road, often used metaphorically: gson pa nyid lam/ the path of life (Ps. 16:11), kha gcig lam khar 'gril te/ some fell by the path [lit. road side] (Mt. 13:4), zhi bde'i lam/ the path of peace (Lk. 1:78).
Buddhist: Bst. doctrine and practice: 1) as a whole: yang dag pa'i lam/ the perfect path to enlightenment which the Buddha found (KTM), khong rnams la sangs rgyas kyi go 'phang rin po che thob pa'i ched yang dag pa'i lam bzang bstan par mdzad/ [the Buddha] taught them the perfect way so that they could reach the exalted state of Buddhahood (KTM); 2) particular doctrines or practices: 'phags pa'i lam yan lag brgyad/ the eightfold path (KBT 60); lam gyi bden pa/ truths which are paths, the fourth of the four truths as formulated in Tibetan Bsm. (KBT 96).
Cognates: 1) shul lam/ path, track: shul lam ngan pa/ evil path (Ps. 119:101), bdag gi shul lam gyir du 'od yin/ a light to my path (Ps. 119:105); 2) lam rim/ title of Stages on the Path to Enlightenment, a Bst. text.