Biblical: 1) biological mother: pha ma la bkur sti byos/ honor your father and your mother (Mt. 15:4), mi zhig gis rang gi pha dang ma gnyis bor nas/ a man will leave his father and mother (Eph. 5:31 SV); 2) figurative mother: nga'i ma su yin/,,nga'i spun su yin/ who is my mother, and who are my brothers (Mt. 12:48).
Buddhist: bod kyi nang pa sangs rgyas pa'i chos lugs kyi thog nas sems can thams cad rang gi snying nas brtse ba'i ma lta bur blta dgos pa dang /,,de dag tshang mar brtse sems ldan pa'i sgo nas drin gzo bya dgos pa'i slob ston byed srol yod/ "the Tibetan Buddhist tradition teaches us to view all sentient beings as our dear mothers and to show our gratitude by loving them all" (DLP 15). This is carried out in a meditation called mar shes/ or "understanding as mother"; a set meditation in which all living beings are recognized as having been one's mother in previous births (TRC 319). rje btsun sgrol ma'i sprul pa brag srin mo mi rnams kyi ma yin/ the rock-demoness, an emanation of the goddess Dolma, is the mother of the Tibetans (DPD), ma rgan/ an old mother (TRC 331).
Cognates: ma mo/ a class of ugly and terrifying goddesses believed to be protectors of Bsm. (TRI 201).
Biblical: 1) biological mother: khyed kyi rmo lo is dang /,,a ma e'u ni ke/ your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice (2 Tim. 1:5 SV); 2) figurative mother: sa gzhi'i zhen log rnams kyi a ma/ mother of the abominations of the earth (Rev. 17:5).
Buddhist: gnyen gyi rtsa ba lta bu ni a ma yin/ one's mother is one's best friend (TRC 321), nga'i a ma byed myong yod pa ma red/ she was never my mother (TRC 329).
Biblical: mother: khong gi yum mir yam/ his [Jesus'] mother Mary (Mt. 1:18), khong gi yum dang sku mched rnams/ [Jesus'] mother and brothers (Mk. 3:31), nga yi gtso bo'i yum/ the mother of my Lord (Lk. 1:43).
Buddhist: 1) a tantric consort or female aspect of a male deity (TRI 249); 2) an honorific title for mothers of respected persons: yum sgyu ma lha mdzes/ the mother of the historical Buddha (SGN 2); 3) yum rgyas 'bring bsdus gsum/ a title for the Perfection of Wisdom [Skt. prajnaparamita] Sutras (DCC). related concept: sgyug mo/ mother in law: de'i sgyug mo tsha ba'i nad kyis nyal yod pa gzigs te/ saw Peter's mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever (Mt. 8:14); 2) rmo/ grandmother (2 Tim. 1:5 SV).