[lit. mind + tame; hon. thugs dul ba/ ]
Biblical: mildness, gentleness: ma shi ka'i thugs dul ba/ the gentleness of Christ (2 Cor. 10:1), khyed tsho'i sems dul ba de mi thams cad la ston cig let your gentleness be evident to all (Phil. 4:5), sems dul ba dang gus pa/ gentleness and respect (1 Pet. 3:15), dul po dang /,,btsun pa/ gentleness and self-control (Gal. 5:23).
Buddhist: 1) dul ba/ is the p. of 'dul ba/ to subdue, discipline, or tame: dgra mgo 'dul ba/ to subdue an enemy (KPU 12); 2) in the Bst. scriptures the term is frequently used of wild animals becoming tame: dug sbrul de zhi zhing dul bar gyur/ the poisonous snake became peaceful and tame (SGN 13): 3) by extension, the term is used of taming passions or of disciplining the mind: bdag 'dzin 'dul ba/ to tame self-grasping (UCO 150), rang rgyud 'dul ba/ to tame one's stream of thought (GSL 18); 4) hence 'dul ba/ is commonly used as a term for the rules governing monastic behavior and discipline. The third major division of the Bst. scriptures, which deals with this topic, is called the 'dul ba/ [Skt. vinaya].
Biblical: gentleness, tenderness: byams pa dang 'jam sems dang bcas/ in love with a gentle spirit (1 Cor. 4:21 SV), khyed cag sems 'jam pa yin par mi thams cad kyis shes par gyur cig let your gentleness be evident to all (Phil. 4:5 SV), snying brtse ba'i shugs dang /,,drin dang /,,dman sa bzung ba'i sems dang /,,'jam pa'i sems/ compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness (Col. 3:12 SV), khyed kyi nang na 'jam bor byed de bu rdzis phru gu skyong ba ltar khyed cag la dga' bas/ we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children (1 Thes. 2:7 SV).
Buddhist: 1) sems pa zhi 'jam bzo ba/ to make the mind calm (DLP 17), don rtsa 'jam po'i sgo nas lon/ to achieve one's goals peacefully (KPU 14); 2) compounds of 'jam pa/ are often used in honorific titles of Bst. gods and saints phags pa 'jam dpal/ a name given to Chenresi which refers to Chenresi's compassionate and gentle ways (KTM), 'jam dpal dbyang / the boddhisattva Manjushri, rje 'jam dbyangs chos rje/ the founder of Drepung Monastery (DPD), 'jam mgon bla ma tsong kha pa/ Tsong Khapa (DPD).
Cognates: 1) 'jam po'i gyon/ good clothes (KPU 23); 2) 'jam sha thon/ to make smooth, to polish metals (KPU 28); 3) 'jam pa bu dang rtsub pa pha mas byed/ when comfortable the baby sleeps, when uncomfortable the parents work (KPU 31).