Biblical: to be raised or exalted: nam mkha' las kyang 'phags pa/ exalted above the heavens (Heb. 7:26), dkon mchog gis/,,/mtshan rnams yongs las mtho ba'i mtshan/,,/khong la gnang zhing 'phags par mdzad/ God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name (Phil. 2:9).
Buddhist: Sublime, noble, or exalted; may be used of high lamas, a doctrine, or a student outstanding in his class (AMD). Hence 'phags pa/ is a common written term for boddhisattva. As an honorific, it is often applied to: 1) doctrines: 'phags pa'i bden pa bzhi/ the four noble truths of Bsm. (CNG 28), 'phags lam yan lag brgyad/ the noble eightfold path (CNG 116), 'phags pa'i nor bdun/ the seven sublime treasures (SGN 16); 2) Bst. lamas or saints: 'phags pa/ a so-called Aryan individual; a person who through study and meditation obtains the power of direct perception of the true or real through yogic perception (TRC 73), 'phags pa lha/ Aryadeva, a disciple of Nagarjuna (TRC 25), dbu 'dzin khyad du 'phags pa kun gzigs pan chen er te ni sku phreng bcu pa/ an outstanding leader, the 10th Panchen Lama (MHP 7), 'phags pa klu sgrub/ Nagarjuna (TRI 177); 3) Bst. gods: 'phags pa'i sku/ [lit. exalted body] Chenresi (HTE 190), 'phags pa nam mkha'i rgyal po/ the sublime king of the sky (HTE 196), byang chubs sems dpa' chen po 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs/ the superior Avalokiteshvara (Chenresi) (HSU 166); 4) religious places: 'phags pa'i yul/ India (KPU 2), pha ri si'i 'phags ma'i mchod khang / Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris (SBC-1 62).
Secular: 1) one who is accomplished or superior: lam lugs khyad du 'phags pa/ accomplished in ways and customs (KTM), stobs shugs bla na 'phags pa/ higher than any other in strength and ability (KTM); 2) above all, supremely: rang nyid sems can gzhan las khyad par 'phags pa'i 'gro ba mi'i khyim tshang gi nang mi zhig yin pa'i sems khur 'dzin mkhan/ one who sees himself above all as a member of the human family (DLP 16).
Cognates: 1) 'phags mchog sublime (HTE 200); 2) 'phags skad/ Sanskrit; 3) phul tu phyin pa/ accomplished (KTM).
p. byas/ f. bya/ imp. byos/
Biblical: to raise, lift up, exalt: rang mtho bar byed pa de dma' bar 'gyur 'ong / whoever exalts himself will be humbled (Mt. 23:12), nam mkha' rnams las mtho bar mdzad par gyur pa zhig one who is exalted above the heavens (Heb. 7:26 SV).
Buddhist: To lift up through verbal expression, to exalt, to extol (KTM).
Cognates: 1) mtho ris/ higher rebirth (TRI 127); 2) ches mtho/ supreme ches mtho ba'i sgyu tsal/ supreme art (SBC-1 63); 3) mtho sar bzhag put in a high place: dkon mchog gis khong mtho sar bzhag ste/ God exalted him to the highest place (Phil. 2:9 SV).
p. btegs/ , f. gdeg imp. theg
Biblical: to raise up, exalt: rang 'degs pa de 'bebs par 'gyur/,,rang 'bebs pa de 'degs par 'gyur ro/ everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted (Lk. 18:14).