Biblical: adultery or sexual misconduct: log g.yem dang /,,'dod log adultery and sexual immorality (Mt. 15:19).
Buddhist: Geshe Lhundup Sopa defines log g.yem/ as: log g.yem ni/,,rang gi chung ma ma yin pa gzhan gyis bdag tu bzung ba'i chung ma la sogs pa dang /,,rang gi chung ma yin yang /,,dus ma yin pa sbrum ma dang /,,bsnyen gnas la sogs pa'i skabs dang /,,lam ma yin pa dbad po'i sgo gzhan dang /,,gnas ma yin pa mchod rten la sogs pa'i drung du 'khrig pa spyod pa lta bu la zer/ . . sexual misconduct signifies the performance of the sexual act not with one's own wife but a wife held by another as his, etc. or even with one's own wife at an inappropriate time like during the pregnancy, the one day vow, etc. or through an inappropriate avenue (i.e. another aperture than customary) or at an inappropriate place like in front of a stupa, etc. (TRC 244), lus kyi mi dge ba gsum ni/,,srog gcod pa/,,ma byin par len pa/,,log g.yem bcas red/ the three non-virtues of body are killing, stealing, and adultery (TRC 242), sangs rgyas kyis gzhan la gnod pa spong ba dang /,,gzhan gyi nor mi rku ba/,,rdzun mi shod pa dang /,,log g.yem spong ba bcas ni chos kyi srung sdom yin/ the Buddha [teaches that] not harming others, not stealing, not lying, and not committing adultery (or sexual misconduct) sums up the keeping of the doctrine (SGN 21).
p. byas/ f. bya/ imp. byos/
Biblical: commit adultery: 1) physical adultery: log g.yem ma byed/ do not commit adultery (Mt. 5:27), log g.yem byed mur bzung ba'i bud med cig a woman caught in adultery (Jn. 8:3); 2) spiritual adultery: 'dod chags skyes te bud med cig la lta ba des kyang snying nang de mnyam du log g.yem byas zin/ one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Mt. 5:28); 3) national unfaithfulness to God: rdo dang shing mnyam du'ang log g.yem byas/ committed adultery with stone and wood (Jer. 3:9).
Cognates: 1) 'dod log [lit. desire + wrong] sexual immorality; 2) g.yem sbyor/ or sgab mthun/ adultery (DBG 16).