[var. i si ra el/ (NTV), Ch. yi se le/ (JFS), dbyi si le/ (DLS 112)]
Biblical: 1) the people of Israel in either a physical or spiritual sense: g.yo sgyu med pa'i yis ra el pa/ a true Israelite (Jn. 1:47), yis ra el gyi sde khag bcu gnyis/ the twelve tribes of Israel (Mt. 19:28), yis ra el gyi bu brgyud yin tshad yis ra el min/ not all who are descended from Israel are Israel (Rom. 9:6), yis ra el pa thams cad thar bar 'gyur/ all Israel will be saved (Rom. 11:26), mi brgyud ni yis ra el pa/,,sde ni ben ya min pa/,,ib ri pa nas chad pa'i ib ri pa/ of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews (Phil. 3:5); 2) the land of Israel: yis ra el yul du song ngo / went to the land of Israel (Mt. 2:21).
common phrases: yis ra el gyi grong khyer/ the cities of Israel (Mt. 10:23), yis ra el gyi ston pa/ Israel's teacher (Jn. 3:10), yis ra el gyi rgyal po/ Israel's king (Jn. 12:13), yis ra el gyi khyim/ house of Israel (Acts 7:42), yis ra el gyi khyim gyi lug stor ba rnams/ the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Mt. 10:6), yis ra el gyi dkon mchog the God of Israel (Mt. 15:31).