[Skt. Siddhartha]
or "one who accomplishes his purpose"; later known as rgyal sras don drub/ Prince Siddhartha; and after his enlightenment, sangs rgyas/ . The Buddha lived at roughly the same time as Jesus' ancestor Zerubbabel and Cyrus the Persian; his life probably began before and ended after the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. Honorific titles attached to him and to his non-historical counterparts include: kun mkhyen/ all-knowing, kun tu bzang po/ good to all, rkang gnyis gtso bo/ lord of men, sku gsum pa/ three-bodied, khyab bdag all-pervading, rgyal ba/ conqueror, mngon shes drug ldan/ possessor of the six foreknowledges, bcom ldan 'das/ transcendent victor, chags 'joms/ desire-subduer, 'jig rten 'dul/ world-tamer, ston pa/ teacher, stobs bcu ba/ having ten powers, thams cad mkhyen/ all-perceiving, thams cad sgrol/ all-saving, thams cad rtogs/ all-knowing, thams cad gzigs/ all-seeing, dus gsum mkhyen/ knowing the three times, bdud 'dul/ devil-subduer, bde gshegs/ gone to nirvana, sangs rgyas dkon mchog Buddha jewel; portion of the triple refuge. Non-historical Buddhas include 'jam dpal/ Manjushri, spyan ras gzigs/ Chenresi, phyag na rdo rje/ Vajrapani.